At long last, I have returned!
Sort of.
Okay, so my blog died just a little for a month or so there (maybe two), because my internet went nutty, then my computer kicked the bucket. Ugh.
My my. I have a lot of updates to do. So, I'll use separate posts for separate events.
NOTE: These posts will eventually have pictures. Wonderful pictures, full of awesome...awesomeness! As soon as I get my computer running again. *sigh* Haroooold! Save my pictures, plz!
Okay. First thing's first. Thanksgiving.
In true American fashion, (southern american anyway), thanksgiving had all my favorite dishes: potato salad, a beautiful turkey, stuffing, and pie. Really good pie.
The holiday actually began a few days before Nov. 25th, as we were all working hard to make the food for the big shindig. I made my boyfriend's mother's shrimp and corn soup for the first time! Viviane was a huuuge help during this arduous process. Peeling almost frozen-shrimp is not fun. Not at all. I also made some good ol' potato salad, and that was a big hit. The brownies I made though....the brownies went so fast I don't think I even saw people swallow.
The meal itself was held in Pat and Beth's apartment. Soooo many people came. Some I knew, and some I didn't. They brought their own dishes as well. This Thanksgiving was a wonderful combination of traditional American dishes as well as super delicious Chinese food (Example: Himbo's spicy frog dish. Was that frog? I'm pretty sure it was frog...)
Really, thanksgiving is about eating. And giving thanks for the food you're stuffing your face with along with anything else you might have been grateful for during the year. My thought for the holiday was that I was damn lucky to be in such a place, eating amazing food with such amazing people. The holidays really drive it home here, how great this experience is, even if I miss my friends and family back home.

Let's pretend it's still November 25th, shall we? Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope you had as wonderful a time as I did.
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