It was a blast. The english songs were quite cheesy (Can we say "Baby hit me one more time?"), but the chinese songs were pretty cool.
We might have acted a little crazy too (Especially the ones of Himbo singing! Classic!)
I don't feel well, I think. I'm going to relax today. I even slept in late and didn't go running like I usually do. Oh well. ^_^
Oh man, I look so bad in these pictures hahaha....my baggy clothes aren't doing much for me, huh? Neither is my incredibly red face. wtf is up with that? LOL. Whatever. If I'm fat, I'm fat. At least we had fun! XD
This is one of our group shots. From left to right, Michelle, Claire, Me, then Himbo. Man this was so much fun!
Viviane looking adorable!
Claire and my silly red face. Bah. ^_^
This is all Himbo. I'm just the unlucky bystander lol. XD
More Viviane!

2 bridges connected:
hey this is collin long time no talk. it is so amazing what you are doing over there. i am so jealous.
Hey! Hahahah yeah life's pretty good right now, except I miss you guys. :( Save up some cash and come visit! You can crash at my place! lol
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